CREM offers different types of Corporate membership depending on the number of members that the company wishes to register.
Membership includes:
- At least 1 mandatory name card
- A number of "guest" cards depending on the number of members
- The availability of a free private use of the meeting room (subject to conditions)
- 1 half day / year (Corporate 1 & 2)
- 2 half day / year (Corporate 3 & 4)
- 3 half day / year (Corporate 5 & 6)
- …
Any company or association registered with the Direction de l'Expansion Economique (Direction of the Economic Expansion Office) can become a Corporate member.
Any company or association wishing to become a Corporate member must complete an application form and deliver it to CREM Reception or send it by email ( or by post (CREM, 1 avenue Princesse Grace, Le Mirabeau II, MC 98000 Monaco).
Named cards can be issued to any person who is on the staff of the company (or, in the case of an association, is a member of that association – conditions apply), to a spouse or partner of a member of staff or to a client of the company.
In all cases, the company wishing to acquire membership undertakes to furnish CREM with all the necessary information for each person selected for a named card (name, forename, email address, telephone number, nationality, date of birth).
The application form is submitted to the Membership Committee, which will respond with its decision within 8 days.
The company or association will be informed of this decision by e-mail or post. When accepted, the new Corporate member must pay, within one month, the Joining Fee and pro-rata Annual Subscription as advised, by cheque or bank transfer.